This Campaign has now ended.
Thank you to all who took part.

The Campaign
Last year, we celebrated 25 years of Masturbation May, 15 years of TENGA and 5 years of our TENGA Global Self-Pleasure Report. In 2021 we wanted to do something extra special to not only celebrate but reward you all!
So TENGA decided to celebrate Masturbation May with our first major online Masturbation Challenge!
What was the Masturbation Challenge?
We invited you all to join our Masturbation Challenge by making more time for masturbation and self-pleasure throughout May, while also opening up the conversation and posting about the power of pleasure with the campaign hashtag #doitinmay … and you didn’t disappoint!
With a massive amount of applications, we had a hard time selecting our 50 Challengers but what amazed us more was the amount of participation outside of those selected.
You all shared #doitinmay and cheered for Challengers, and thanks to you, the Masturbation Challenge far exceeded our expectations!
The Masturbation Challenge Results!
We not only counted up #doitinmay hashtags throughout the month of May to reward you during that time, but we also counted your efforts in cheering our Challengers and these are the results:
Our final #doitinmay Hashtag count : 2333 hashtags
Our final Masturbation Points Score: 87,620 MP
Of note, here is the total of engagement reached: Likes : 11,376 (1x Like = 5MP) RTs : 1,172 (1x RT = 10MP) Comments : 1,268 (1x Comment = 15MP)
Challengers’ & Supporters’ Thoughts
The level of support blew us away, so much so that we knew we couldn’t leave it there. So we sent both the Challengers and Supporters a quiz to find out their thoughts. We wanted to know exactly what helped you through Masturbation May , what you found positive about the experience, and perhaps most importantly, whether you think it helped with the perception surrounding the stigma of self-love.
… You didn’t disappoint again, with an amazing number of both Challengers and Supporters giving us their feelings on the Challenge via SNS. Below are the results!
We Want to Thank You!
To thank everyone that has participated we’ll be running some special giveaways throughout September to celebrate both these results being released and Sexual Health Awareness Month! Stay tuned to our SNS for more details!
We’re also running a special deal on our US, EU, UK, French and German Official Stores throughout September where you can buy ANY of the Challenger Bundle items for 15% OFF!
Did you see a TENGA or iroha item featured by a Challenger and missed out on trying it yourself? Now’s a great chance to treat yourself to something and take care of your sexual health!
Thank You Again for Participating!
We’re ecstatic with the thoughts and feelings we heard from you, our fans, on how this year’s Masturbation May Challenge was for you. It showed us that even if it’s just online, we can come together to discuss the great benefits of Masturbation and spread the message about taking the time to show yourself some self-love.
With the success of the 2021 Masturbation May Challenge, we’ll do our best to make next year’s Masturbation May even more exciting. So we’ll leave you with this message until next year:
Celebrate masturbation! Talk about it! Indulge in it! Normalize it!