Male Models Try TENGA (Masayuki Kawase / Ryo Kitamura / Kyohei Sano / Seiya Hayashi / Makoto Kurono)
Professional models tell all of their first time with TENGA!
Earlier this year, TENGA gave five long-time TENGA fans (oh, they're also popular fashion models covering Japan's youth culture magazines!) the 10 candidates for the Season 3 of TENGA EGGs to try out at home and pick out the best. Here is the interviewed that followed, with these young charismatic models telling us the ins-and-outs of the 10 candidate EGGs as well as an intro to ... "Kenani"?! *Campaign held in Japan during June of 2011 - further info below*
Sano So how did you all find them? Pretty hard to pick out the best huh?
All VERY hard!
Sano Alright let’s try this – on the count of three, all point to your favorite. One, two, three..!
All *All point to their favorite EGG*
Sano Kitamura – you went for the Blaster?
Kitamura It was my favorite; these random edges, they felt amazing.
Sano Kawase, Hoshino and myself all went for the Thunder! Coincidence? I thought it was mind-blowing; I can’t put it into words!
Kurono The tag line “Electrifying” fits perfectly.
Sano What did you like about the Zebra, Seiya?
Hayashi It was a choice between the prickly and the rough, I went for the rough. But the prickling sensations of the Spicy are hard not to miss too!
Kawase I think the Crater was cool too, very different from anything before.
Hayashi That’s probably because it has nubs everywhere, depending on how you hold it, it’s probably the strongest!
Sano You know, it probably was the strongest. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had felt that sensation somewhere before – probably one of the other TENGAs! After all, I’ve got years more of experience with them on all of you (laughs). Still the Thunder was a surprise, that random change in stimulation; from that point of view, the Misty and Domino stimulations were also great.
Kurono Everything else just missed that special something – I’m not sure what it is, but they were all different to how I expected they’d be – that sense of surprise is kinda important too!
Sano I guess everyone has their own sense of sensation. Also if you’re a giver or a taker. Ryo, you seem like the kinda guy who likes to be on the receiving end! (Laughs)
Kitamura Seriously? You know that’s not the first time someone’s said that to me – I’m definitely a giver though!
Sano Anyway, back to the EGGs, I personally tend to use them just for playing with my glans (tip of the penis) and the CUPs for when I want to enjoy something deeper. You know, a quick session with the EGGs and a slow relaxation with the CUPs?
Kitamura Wow, no wonder they call you the TENGA maniac… Slightly off-topic but do you guys watch porn or something while you enjoy your “personal time”?
Hayashi I’m a big fan of those cell-phone video sites.
Sano Ah, you’re into Kenani huh! *Translator’s Note: Kenani – A neologism from Keitai and Onani (CellPhone and Masturbation)!
Kawase Kenani!? What the hell is a Kenani!?
Sano It’s when you use a cellphone for masturbation uses. If you use a PC it’s called Panani. *Translator’s Note: Panani – The same as above using PC (pronounced Paasonaru Compyuutaa in Japanese)
Kawase Panani… Geez I can’t keep up with this new slang!
Kurono I was a big Panani boy in high school.
Sano I guess it depends on what I’m watching but I’d say Panani for me too.
Hayashi Kenani on the sofa for me.
Sano Kenani? Wouldn’t your wrist start to hurt after a while?? Man in my case if I’m using a TENGA I like to build myself up for about three days.
Kitamura The TENGA maniac strikes again…!
Kawase You guys ever feel a difference using an EGG sitting up and lying down?
Kurono I like it better lying down.
Sano I can’t imagine anything other than lying down. All 10 of the prototypes I tried em in bed! Other than that the position I’m laying in and the amount of lube, as well as what I’m “watching” all changed the experience for me.
HayashiWas it just me who started to go numb by the tenth EGG? I’m guessing all our favorites are the ones we tried near the beginning!
All *All nod in agreement*
Sano Alright time to make a decision! Rank your favorites! Most favorite gets 5 points, second gets 3 points and third gets 1 point. Which one gets the most points!
All *Calculating…*
Sano And the winners are…! 1st Thunder! 2nd Crater! And 3rd is Ziggy!
All *Applause*
Hayashi Damn that was a tough choice to make!
Kurono Our opinions are going to effect the web poll right?
Kawase You guys think these results are fair?
Kitamura You never know, we had a lot of Thunder lovers here today. At the end of the day this sort of thing is down to the individual.
Sano Yea, I mean c’mon, Kitamura can masturbate while sitting up on his sofa with a cellphone in one hand!
Kitamura I watch DVDs too! … Wait what does that even-
All *Laughter*
Sano Anyway! Let’s all look forward to which ones make the final cut! For now – let’s go grab a beer!
All Alright!

Male Models Try TENGA (Masayuki Kawase / Ryo Kitamura / Kyohei Sano / Seiya Hayashi / Makoto Kurono)
Kyohei Sano (Model / Creator)
Model for various genres from central Shibuya street style to Harajuku style magazines.
Makoto Kurono (men's egg Model)
Cover model for young men's fashion magazine "men's egg"
Ryo Kitamura (Model)
Top fashion model on almost every magazine centering around Harajuku fashion and culture.
Seiya Hayashi (Model)
Aspiring clothing designer, currently modeling around street fashion magazines like "Men's Knuckle"
Mayuki Kawase (Apparel / Model)
Even with recent major success of his own brand, is often seen on the pages of fashion magazines.