This Campaign has now ended.
Thank you to all who took part.

Take Your First Big Steps Into a Fresh New Start,
with TENGA!
For everyone out there that’s leaping into new beginnings,
we at TENGA want to be a part of your journey.
Times can be tough for those taking the first steps into a new chapter of their lives.
Whether it be freshmen in college, or those who just started their first full-time job, breaking the bank isn’t in a Freshers’ best interest.
Sexual wellness shouldn’t be something only for those who can afford it. That’s why TENGA is supporting all the Freshers of the world with what TENGA does best, TENGA CUPs!
Read on to learn more about:
・Affordable luxury limited edition PREMIUM TENGA FRESHERS CUPs
・Free COMING OF AGE CUPs for university students
・TENGA Backpack filled with back-to-school goodies online giveaway!
Two Limited-Edition TENGA CUPs

The sensations of the PREMIUM TENGA ORIGINAL VACUUM CUP at the price of the Standard ORIGINAL VACUUM CUP.

Students, who log in with a verified Student ID, will receive a free COMING OF AGE CUP with ANY order on the Official TENGA STORE USA.
TENGA College Survival Pack: Report Card Contest
We’ve packed everything you’ll need to get through your freshman year in the TENGA College Survival Pack.
Enter our Report Card Contest for a chance to win!
To enter:
・Like & Comment on our Giveaway post on X or Instagram.
・Submit a photo or screenshot of your most recent report card through our form below. As long as you’re 18+, any grade is fine!
There will be two winners per social media page:
・Best Student Award
・Really Needs It Award
Don’t shy away from those shaky grades, anyone can win!
And don’t worry, we won’t announce which winner had the better grades.
*Submissions and information will not be shared to the public.
*Entry period: Sep 1st 2024 ~ Sep 30th 2024